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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 14, 2021 7:00am-7:59am PDT

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good morning, america. the major storm slamming the central u.s., spawning at least 14 reported tornadoes in texas. tearing off roofs, overturning semi trucks with heavy snow up to 4 inches an hour slamming colorado and wyoming. the treacherous conditions and it's not over yet. the new storm system on the way. under fire. new allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo. a seventh woman coming forward accusing him of inappropriate behavior. but the governor saying he will not step down. on capitol hill, another politician facing calls to resign. >> this could mean trouble. >> wisconsin republican senator ron johnson, accused of racism over comments he made about the capitol riots.
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the backlash this morning. party now, pay later? crowded beaches and packed bars in ft. lauderdale. the concerns spring breakers will be taking home more than just souvenirs as more and more travelers hit the skies. >> i'm just going to pray about it. >> airports seeing the most passengers in a year. clearing the air. j.lo and a-rod explaining what's going on in their relationship. how they're addressing those reports of a breakup. let the madness begin. selection sunday is here. teams just hours away from hearing their names called for the big dance. the precautions in place for th luck charm itching to be there. >> i have been plugging away for ith wut sister jean.
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good morning. for most of the country, daylight saving time went into effect overnight. we are all pretty much on the struggle bus this morning. >> feeling it. >> toughest morning of the year for morning news anchors. i am so tired i forgot to wear my matching leopard print tie for eva, of course. >> because he definitely has one of those. as much as we complain, we have to think about our friends and family out west because add to what they're dealing with, the lack of sleep, there's a major winter storm. >> this system has spawned more than a dozen tornadoes heavily damaging some houses in texas as you can see right here. >> and heavy snow is as the system spreads into the plains, our rob marciano is in boulder and joins us now with th latest on the storm track. rob, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, good morning, whit. a large, powerful, slow-moving storm finally setting up shop. took its sweet time getting here to colorado. here in downtown boulder, you can see the snow is piling up. not quite 10 inches yet, but it's not your typical colorado
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snow. this makes its even more slick and difficult to clear. just north of us, that's where the blizzard conditions are. just south, the big story there, tornadoes. many of which have been massive and downright violent. slamming the central u.s. with tornadoes, heavy snow and flash. in texas, at least 14 reported tornadoes from this system, including this massive one caught on camera near happy, texas. watch as the powerful twister moves closer to this interstate highway. take a look at this twister just northwest of lubbock. it cuts through shallow water on friday, whipping up debris and destroying structures in its path. powerful winds leaving a trail of destruction whipping across the panhandle, destroying cars and homes. the same system bringing heavy snow to the rockies and plains. in colorado, near whiteout conditions and strong wind making for dangerous driving. several semi trucks getting stuck on the highway. authorities warning residents to stay home.
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>> please don't drive if you don't have to this weekend. >> reporter: the colorado governor activating the national guard to help with potential search and rescue, and in wyoming, several inches of heav. in chee,depi ornhtletuck in sno. i- atimes, s that will be the story of today because we are just getting going with this. with snowfall rates 3 to 4 inches per hour setting up in some spots and we expect some of that to get into the boulder area as well. the center of the storm is now finally east of the colorado rockies, and we're getting this upslope flow, and that means the long duration snow event here. you see the rainfall off to the east and blizzard conditions. winter storm warnings and watches now have been extended into iowa and minnesota. not quite as much severe weather today thankfully as this pushes off to the east, but it does s,k for heavy rain in areas that have seen a lot. chicago a little bit of snow and
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sleet mixture tomorrow, and this pushes all the way to the east coast for a little bit of snow for part of some of the big cities there. guess what? there's another system behind this one that will bring another threat for severe weather. talk about that in a few minutes. eva, back to you. >> that is not what we want to hear this morning, rob marciano. we will hear more from you about that next storm system coming up. >>venth won coming forward accusing him of inappropriate behavior. the governor continuing to say he will not step down. abc's trevor ault is joining us from albany with more. good morning to you, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, eva. andrew cuomo says he has never harassed anyone, never assaulted anyone, never abused anyone, and he never would, though now seven women have accused him of some form of inappropriate behavior. the most recent writing her story in "new york magazine." a former reporter here at the statehouse detailing a number of instances like a 2014 holiday party where she says while posing for a photo, the governor grabbed her hand, refused to let
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go and allegedly said, am i making you uncomfortable? i thought we were going steady. now cuomo has not responded to this most recent allegation, but he has repeatedly denied any misconduct. he's appeared to spend this weekend so far hunkered down in the governor's mansion. his press office has sent out a number of press releases on state issues, seemingly indicating the work is ongoing as cuomo is refusing to resign. but he is bleeding support from his fellow democrats. now 16 of the 19 new york democrats in congress and both of the state senators say cuomo should step down. he is so far refusing all of those cries. some lawmakers like the majority leader from the state assembly say cuomo deserves a fair process to determine whether or not he is guilty, and there are two investigations under way. one from the state assembly, another from the state attorney general's office. and one of his accusers, former aide charlotte bennett, is scheduled to speak with
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investigators from the state ag's office this coming week as these investigations swiftly move forward. whit? >> all right, trevor ault with those new developments. thank you. we turn now to the increasing pressure on the republican senator to step down over what many say are racist comments about black lives matter protesters. abc's elizabeth schulze has the latest with us from capitol hill. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, whit. senator ron johnson has called the rioters who stormed this building friendly and jovial. these latest comments go a step further in what some are calling blatant racism. this morning, wisconsin republican senator ron johnson omntout thwing calls to resign jaar6tcapitol riots. in a radio show clip sparking public outcry, johnson saying, he didn't feel threatened by the pro-trump crowd storming the building, calling them patriots. then adding this -- >> had the tables been turned and president trump won the election and those were tens of
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thousands of black lives matter and antifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. >> reporter: democratic lawmakers accusing johnson of racism. >> black lives matter did protest peacefully at the united states capitol, and they did not cause trauma, injury and loss of life, nor did they maim u.s. capitol police officers in the way that these so-called patriots did. >> reporter: federal prosecutors say more than 300 individuals have been charged in connection to the january 6th attack that left more than five people, including a capitol police officer, dead. congressman ted lieu pointing out that the rioters were mostly white saying, dear senator ron johnson, your white skin color would not have saved you from the mob. in a statement to abc news johnson doubling down on the controversial remarks appearing to cite a study claiming hundreds of black lives matter protests over the summer turned violent and saying, that's why i would have been more concerned. the authors of that study telling abc news it's not an
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accurate portrayal of the findings saying 93% of the protests were peaceful. now senator johnson's seat is up for re-election next year, and he has not yet announced if he intends to run. dan? >> elizabeth, thank you very much. let's turn to the pandemic now. the cdc this morning is saying that nearly 37 million people in this country have been fully vaccinated. that is more than 14% of the adult population, and the seven-day average of daily cases has dropped by 78% since the peak in january. at the same time though, the number of people flying this weekend in the u.s. is at a record high since the start of covid, and travel is raising some real concerns about potential superspreader events throughout the country. abc's zohreen shah is right there at the airporthrn,mog >> reporter: good morning, dan. airports have mostly been quiet. well, the tide might be about to turn. here at tsa, they hit a record
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number of travelers on friday for the year and vacation sites like florida, they are seeing big crowds, and that is causing major concern. overnight, police out in force as covid concerns ramp up in south florida. >> all: spring break! >> reporter: crowded beaches and packed bars spilling onto the streets. many without masks. >> if you get the coronavirus, that's your own fault. you know the risks if you are coming out here. >> reporter: crowds so large, one mayor asking florida's governor to fine businesses for breaking protocols and delaying re-openings. >> governor, i don't disagree with what you are doing in principle. i think you're doing it too early. please give us another six or eight weeks. >> reporter: health experts now worry spring break partying could lead to a surge of cases. >> these are not individuals that have been vaccinated. they're not in the priority groups, and so they potentially could still be carrying infection, mixing with other people, bringing those infections back home. >> reporter: and there are fears about st. patrick's day celebrations.
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in dallas, festivities drawing large crowds on this first weekend without a statewide mask mandate or capacity limits. chicago's parade canceled, but with a saturday surprise, dyeing the river green. the annual holiday tradition kept secret so crowds would not gather and spread covid, but the virus is not stopping some travelers. >> i'm going to pray about it. safe way there, safe way back. >> reporter: tsa screening over 1.3 million people friday, the most since march 15th last year. meanwhile, vaccinations hitting a record pace. this houston church with a long line now giving vaccinations to anyone over 50. first come, first serve. >> i couldn't get my appointment. set a date for it, but looks like today i might get it. >> reporter: and world famous cellist yo-yo ma giving this surprise performance after getting his second dose of the vaccine this weekend in massachusetts. and there's excitement across
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the country. here in l.a. indoor places like gyms, restaurants, movie theaters, they are set to reopen tomorrow at a limited capacity. you guys, this is a big step, and most people here haven't taken the entire pandemic. eva? >> zohreen shah for us, thank you. president biden tomorrow sets off on what the white house calls a help is here tour to promote the covid relief package. abc's maryalice parks has more from the white house. good morning, maryalice. >> reporter: good morning, eva. yeah, this is a coordinated cross country publicity tour. the president and first lady up and down the east coast. president biden himself traveling to pennsylvania and georgia. vice president kamala harris and the second gentleman headed out to nevada. all four of them next week hitting seven states. more than half of those do have open and competitive senate races next year. still, eva, the white house says the goal is just to talk to americans, educate people about benefits in the new law that might be available to them. >> and i know they want people to be thinking about this covid relief package.
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but will this tour be overshadowed by what's happening right now at the u.s./mexico border? >> reporter: yeah, that's entirely possible. this is a massive humanitarian issue, as well as a growing political crisis for president biden. just last night, the secretary of homeland security directed fema to start helping at the border with sheltering and caring for unaccompanied minors. according to the customs and border protection, more than 9,000 unaccompanied minors stopped at the border last month alone. nearly 20,000 people traveling as family units. we've heard about overcrowding at these facilities. a real struggle to implement covid testing. republicans say the president should have seen this coming. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is heading down to the border tomorrow with lots of other republicans. but congressional democrats too, they are angry and frustrated. they ran on doing this better, figuring this out. they say that president biden needs to focus on this and make real progress here. dan? >> a lot to talk about here. maryalice, thank you so much. let's bring in abc's jon
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karl whose latest book "front row at the trump show" will be out in paperback on march 16th. jon, we'll talk about the book in a second. i want to start with president biden and his travels this week. politically speaking, what's the main goal in your view of this help is here tour, and what's your take on this question we just asked maryalice about how the whole thing might be overshadowed by what's going on at the border? >> first, the situation at the border, dan, is a mess and there's real concern within the biden administration that it's going to get worse. that's why they're dispatching fema. that's a big concern. regarding this tour, this is a $1.9 trillion relief bill. in terms of sheer dollars, this is bigger than anything that was done for the entire eight years of the obama/biden administration. so biden wants to get out there, and he wants to get kamala harris out there, and his cabinet out there. he wants to make sure people understand what is in this bill, and as importantly, he wants to make sure that he gets credit for it, and no doubt reminding
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people that not a single republican supported what they believe will be a very popular series of programs. >> yeah, there's some sense that the previous administration, the obama administration did not sell the 2009 stimulus as aggressively, so they're going to try to make up for that this time. as mentioned though, the paperback edition of your book -- and i got one right here, that magically showed up on my seat this morning -- the paperback edition of "front row at the trump show" comes out this week. i've read the new stuff you've got in there. you've got something about a meeting you had with then president trump as covid was just setting in. can you tell me something about that? >> there's a lot of new reporting. it'll be out in a couple of days. sneak peek on this. i went in to meet with the president on march 4th of last year. this is just as the pandemic is really starting to take hold. you had already had six people die in a single nursing home in seattle. that was the day that california declared a state of emergency.
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100, nearly 200 known cases around the country, and i went in to see donald trump. hand sanitizer was already off the shelves in stores. i went into the oval office, and i had just come from new york. i was saying to myself, i am not going to shake the president's hand. it's not fair to him to put him at risk. he comes into the oval office, sees me and says, hey, what should we do? should we shake hands? what do you think? and i'm, like, mr. president, it's up to you. he says, what can i get from you? he reaches out and shakes my hand, and dan, that was the last hand that i shook in all of 2020. a little while into this meeting i spent nearly an hour with him and i describe it in the book. vice president pence comes in t combat the pandemic and he's going out to seattle. he jokes again. he says, mike, he's been out meeting with sick people at the hospital. do you want to shake his hand?
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i mean, it was -- the president was joking about the pandemic. really stark, and again, the last hand i ever shook in 2020. >> i'm sending you a virtual, safe fist bump from here in new york. congratulations on the paperback. i have it right here. i'll be auctioning it off on ebay later today since i already read it. jon, thank you again. i appreciate it, and congratulations again. tune in, everybody -- >> thank you. >> don't forget to tune in to "this week." george stephanopoulos has three big exclusives. he's going to speak with speaker nancy pelosi, and senator john barrass about the new covid relief package. plus, secretary janet yellen talks about the passage of the bill. that's coming up later on "this week" on abc. whit, over to you. another story we have been following. as a big section of the country deals with this storm, some americans are still struggling with the after effects of a storm nearly a month ago.elwyn atlanta with the latest.moin
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>> reporter: whit,oore tha4000od water advisory in jackson, mississippi. for many today marks day 26 without safe, running water. some of those residents are forced to boil water for their daily needs like brushing their teeth, cooking, cleaning. others routinely relying on water giveaways. we were there in late february just days after the winter storm rocked the mississippi capital, and we saw community organizers as they walked door to door handing out bottles of water and food to those in lte tso one of them last night who says four weeks into this, they're still doing that every single day. while most of the city's water service has been restored, there's still pockets with little to no water pressure. the city tells me that is due to meter issues or broken pipes. now the state's emergency management tells me they are working with fema to validate damages, and they say that a request for disaster declaration
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is expected no later than next friday. eva? >> elwyn lopez for us. that water can't come soon enough for the people who live there. time nowfor a check of our weather. rob marciano covering what appears to be a one-two punch happening in the weather department. how are you doing, rob? >> reporter: all right. you know, winter doesn't seem to want to end for the folks in texas, and jackson, mississippi. boy, the hits just keep on coming. our hearts go out to them. and the video just keeps on coming from the tornado damage that ripped through texas yesterday. this is out of happy, texas. not so much today. my goodness. this substantial home between lubbock and amarillo, just torn apart. just a massive tornado, and they'll survey and see how strong it was. certainly an ef-3 or bigger. all right. next storm coming into the west today, seattle down to san diego, some rain in the low country and snow in the
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hi, i'm abc7 meteorologist frances dinglasan. rain is heading our way. it will hit the northbay first during the afternoon hours and then during the evening hours it will slide toward the south bay and then during midnight it starts to continue to leave the bay area bringing us some >> reporter: we'll have more from boulder in the next half hour. back to you. >> all right, rob, we'll return to you soon. we want to turn now to march madness making its return after the pandemic forced the ncaa to cancel last year's competition. today is selection sunday. so we are about to find out which of college basketball's best teams will compete. >> at the buzzer! >> pounds it! >> reporter: these are the sweet sounds march basketball fans have been missing.
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teams across the country, just hours away -- >> georgia tech has won the acc championship. >> reporter: -- from hearing their names called for the big dance. it's a moment we haven't seen in almost two years. the pandemic becoming the ultimate bracket buster. canceling the event before it got started. that all changes march 18th, when the first four take center stage. but it still won't be business as usual. the ncaa implementing several covid safety precautions, limited fan attendance, and the indianapolis bubble being the big one. >> it's going to be different. it won't be the same. it won'tbe anywhere close to the same, but it's better than nothing. >> reporter: however, some teams are already dancing. the loyola ramblers punching their ticket for the first time since their cinderella run in 2018. >> and the dream is alive! >> reporter: and getting a boost from their biggest fan, 101-year-old sister jean, now fully vaccinated, could be in attendance. telling us she is itching to be there in person. >> i'm not going to run out on the court, and i'm not going to cause any disturbance. i have been plugging away for it with my whole heart and my whole soul, so i hope i get to go.
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coming up, calls for justice for breonna taylor one year after the botched police raid in louisville that led to her deat denial from j.lo and a-rod, what they're saying this morning. >> announcer: "good morning america" is sponsored by geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. man: "fender bender," take 1. tonight's matchup: me versus an ugly fender bender. if i can eke out a win, it's going to be a miracle, baby! uh, mr. vitale? it wouldn't be a miracle because geico gives you a team of experts to help manage your claim. it's going to be a nail-biter. no, the geico team is there for you 24/7. geico is awesome, baby! (shouting) too much? i think we got it. yeah. thanks. thank you. geico. great service without all the drama.
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frisky building a better bay area for a safe and secure future, this is abc good news. >> starting tomorrow, 4.4 million more californians will be eligible for the covid-19 vaccine. this next phase allows for people with serious underlying health conditions to get a
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shot. that applies if you are 16 to 64 years old with one of the conditions that you see listed on your screen. the state recommends that people eligible reach out to their healthcare provider for more details. the weather bay area forecast with ourwith ourwith or frances dinglasan. >> good morning. sunrise at 7:21 this morning with daylight savings starting . a live view shows you lots of the cloud cover and a peak of that sunshine. now . now . now
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folks the world's first fully autonomous vehicle is almost at the finish line today we're going to fine tune the dynamic braking system whoo, what a ride! i invested in invesco qqq a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100 like you you don't have to be a deep learning engineer to help make the world a smarter place
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does this come in blue? q to help make the world a smarter place this world is ours. there's no going back. >> welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. the countdown has begun to the debut of marvel's "the falcon and the winter soldier." the live action series taking place after the events of "avengers: endgame." it brings back sebastian stan as bucky barnes, aka, the winter soldier. marvel's "the falcon and the winter soldier" begins streaming next friday, march 19th on disney plus. a gift for all of you fans. >> i will be watching that. i finished "wandavision." my nerdery must continue. >> that's right. >> i'll be boring you with my stories from here on in.
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let's take a look though at the other big stories we're following this morning. happening right now, an hhs report obtained by abc news shows 20% of americans have gotten at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine, and that number is growing. covid cases on the decline. meanwhile with the seven-day average of daily cases dropping by 78% since the peak of january. there are now new concerns about mass gatherings for spring break and st. patrick's day celebrations across the country. the tsa says it has screened more than 1.3 million people on. that's the most since march 15th of last year. also right now, outrage overseas after a vigil to remember sarah everard who was kidnapped and murdered by a london police officer turned violent. london police handcuffing and leading several women away saying that the gathering went against covid restrictions. everard's death has brought renewed attention to women's
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safety. and celebrating one of the great middleweights in boxing history. marvelous marvin hagler has died. he fought some of the biggest names in boxing. he became the undisputed middleweight champion in 1980, and he went on to successfully defend that title a dozen times. >> and we start this half hour with a rally held in honor of breonna taylor to mark the anniversary of her death in a botched police raid. her mother insisting she will continue to fight to see the officers involved face criminal charges. abc's faith abubey joins us from the department of justice in washington with more. faith, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning to you, whit. the u.s. justice department has been quietly conducting a civil rights investigation into breonna taylor's death giving her mother and her supporters some hope for possible charges. overnight, a demonstration in los angeles marking the one-year anniversary of breonna taylor's death turning violent. watch as these two demonstrators climb on the hood of a police
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car as the officer speeds away. these images, a stark contrast to the peaceful protests seen across the country from portland to louisville. [ chanting ] that familiar rallying cry, echoing through the streets. the movement sparked by the 26-year-old's death still honoring her legacy, fighting for justice they say still hasn't come. >> 365 days, and we still don't have any justice. >> reporter: it was march 13, 2020. these louisville police officers broke down taylor's apartment door in a botched raid. taylor and her boyfriend kenneth walker jumped out of bed in a frenzy and were met with a barrage of police bullets. the young emt did not survive. her mother telling "gma" time hasn't healed her wounds. >> they committed a crime, and they should be held accountable for it. >> reporter: since taylor's
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death, the city of louisville has passed breonna's law, banning no-knock warrants. the police department also making several change, but not one of the three police officers has been charged in taylor's death. the kentucky state attorney general has said the officers' use of deadly force that night was justified, but taylor's supporters not giving up. >> we are here to fight to make sure that it does not happen to you tonight. >> reporter: breonna's boyfriend suing the louisville police department and the officers involved in her deadly shooting. >> well, this morning, i woke up thinking of justice. >> reporter: since her death, taylor's name is now synonymous with the protect black women movement. activists across the country making sure the world won't forget her name. >> to come and arrest the cops who killed breonna. >> reporter: and president biden tweeted his support for breonna taylor's family yesterday during that anniversary adding that he's committed to passing police reform. dan? >> faith abubey, thank you very
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much. we turn to the focus on faith. in the next episode of abc's "soul of a nation," nick cannon gives his first interview since he lost his job with viacom over anti-semitic comments on his podcast. he sat down with abc's linsey davis. >> you made a difference between apology versus atonement. >> atonement. >> are you seeking forgiveness? >> i'm not seeking forgiveness. i'm seeking for growth. i'm going through the process of atonement for growth. if someone during that process forgives me, we have grown together. >> viacom has acknowledged cannon's efforts. they are back in business together. nick is back on the radio and currently pursuing a masters degree in di vinty at howard university. you can see the rest of the story and much more on "soul of a nation," tuesday at 10:00 eastern right here on abc. time now for a check of the weather, and our rob marciano who's in colorado in the midst of the snow. hey, rob.
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>> reporter: hey, good morning again, eva. winter doesn't want to end here in colorado as the snow continues to come down. it doesn't want to end in the northeast as well. it's not snowing there, but it air is coming in., and colder - something you don't see all the time are red flag warnings this time of year. it's been so drive across the northeast, and now the winds are going to be kicking up again today. get another push of arctic air. so high wind alerts are posted. winds will gust 30, 40, maybe 50 miles an hour, and take down trees and power lines, and this will usher in seriously cold air. winter comes again for the northeast. sorry, guys. get the winter coat handy, and a lot of kids are starting to go back to school, so dress for it tomorrow. temps will feel like below zero in some spots. it's march. that's a check of what's happening in the good sunday morning, i meteorologist frances dinglasan and in addition to turning
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your clocks forward an hour, get ready for a gusty and this weather report sponsored by seventh generation laundry. great snowball. i started to build a snowman and just realized i'm too old and lazy for that. so that is about as far as i got. >> all right. all right. >> he pulled a hammy, gave up. >> that's right. >> also, are you going to shave the beard when we finally get to warmer weather? i have been wondering that for awhile now. >> reporter: yeah. yeah, warmer weather and vaccine. that combination, it's coming off. >> you heard it here first, folks. >> i feel like we need video of it. >> this could be soon. rob, we'll look forward to that. in the meantime, you look nice and shabby, but lovely here on a sunday morning. coming up here on "good morning america" j.lo and a-rod, are setting the record straight on the status of their relationship. and how you can keep up on the oscars with help from abc
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if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been rrie i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were.
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i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ we have the power to harness california's abundant solar and wind energy, but it's not available all day long. use less energy from 4 to 9 pm for a cleaner california. welcome back to "gma." with j.lo and a-rod explaining what's going on with their relationship after reports they were breaking up.
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now they say that is not the case. >> reporter: after reports hollywood's hottest couple had called it quits, this morning, a-rod seemingly still has jennifer lopez's love. ♪ j.lo and a-rod setting the record straight in a joint statement to abc news saying, all the reports are inaccurate. we are working through some things. sources close to the power couple say they were bded by headlines on friday claiming they had ended their two-year engagement. cameras catching up with alex in miami saturday. >> it's safe to say you and jennifer are working on things? >> yes. >> reporter: a-rod even appearing to answer a phone call from her. >> hold on. let me call you right back, babe. >> is that jennifer? >> yeah. >> reporter: despite reports of infidelity swirling early this year, sources also denying any third party involvement in their relationship. >> they are broken up, but they are definitely working through things.
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there are issues that they have to figure out before they're, you know, fully back together and engaged and happy as we've seen them over the last four years. >> reporter: the couple who made their red carpet debut at the 2017 met gala announced their engagement two years later. a-rod always by j.lo's side from the 2020 super bowl halftime show to new year's eve and her performance at the presidential inauguration. ♪ this land was made for you and me ♪ >> reporter: while j.lo reportedly said the pandemic forced them to cancel their wedding twice, it also made them both slow down. the 51-year-old telling "allure" magazine last month they attended couple's therapy saying, we got to work on ourselves. i think it was really helpful for us in our relationship. for now, the two are navigating their issues from afar while j.lo films a movie in the dominican republic, and alex works in miami. and coming up on "good morning america," as daylight saving time robs most of us of an hour of sleep, we look at the
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dangers of drowsy driving. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ life's more fun with a dog. and doglife is more fun with milk-bone. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ sfx: ding ding ding ] [ phone buzzing ] [ sfx: bing bing bing ] [ sfx: bing bloop ding ding bloop bing ] the day can wait... enter the golden state, with real california dairy. back now on "gma" as most of back now on "gma" as most of the country tries to adjust to daylight saving time, losing an hour of sleep is not just an annoyance. it really can be dangerous if you are -- especially if you are getting behind the wheel. the national highway traffic safety administration estimates that drowsy driving causes more than 90,000 crashes a year. our gio benitez put himself to the test to see how losing sleep affected him and his driving. >> reporter: these crashes tell a similar story. officials say a suspected drowsy driver crashed into this truck,
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pushing it into the barrier, and this driver slamming into a tollbooth and is ejected. everyone survived these accidents, but experts believe more than 8,000 people have been killed in drowsy driving-related crashes over the last decade. back in 2019, i stayed up almost all night to see what a lack of sleep would do to my brain. >> i probably got, if i were to add it all up, about two hours of sleep. >> reporter: up for about 27 hours, i got into a driving simulator at the classic car club of manhattan before the pandemic. experts from new york's mount sinai integrative sleep center hooked me up to a device that would monitor my brain waves. my first six minutes in the simulator, smooth driving, but then -- crash after crash after crash. after 15 minutes, a significant slowdown. lots of yawns and more spinouts. in fact, i would crash or spin out about once a minute.
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there were moments when suddenly my attention would be back on the road, but i wouldn't remember what happened immediately before. >> some of what you are describing, we call automatic behavior. >> reporter: back at mount sinai's lab, my results. >> we see there are these bursts of slower activities that are indicative of your brain going offline. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. offline, so-called microsleep. even though i appeared awake, my brain would briefly go into sleep mode for one to three seconds. for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> really sobering. the best advice is to schedule your sleep seven to nine hours for adults. we'll be right back with something that will wake you up. "pop news," keep it here. . more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen...
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so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. (host) you want healthy ingredients. hiv medicine your cat is all about the the flavor. tastefuls has it all. (molly) i really want him to eat well but he's just really picky. okay, he seems interested. i think he likes it. i have a new cat tastefuls. one taste is all it takes. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] [ river flowing ] [ dragonfly wings ] ♪ ♪ you'd never wash your dishes in this. your dishwasher looks clean but, when grease and limescale build up,
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it's not as hygienic as you think. use finish dishwasher cleaner its dual-action formula tackles grease and limescale. finish. clean dishwasher. clean dishes. managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying active and eating right? yup, on it there, too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease.
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so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. ♪ all right. ♪ all right. it is time now for "pop news." janai is off again this morning, but we have kelley carter with us. she's the senior entertainment reporter for espn's "the undefeated."
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kelley, good morning once again. what's going on? >> good morning. today we're going to start with blackpink's rose finding huge success as a solo act. she has the debut of her video for "on the ground," released and is one of the highest viewed videos on youtube right now with more than 60 million views. the video features the singer as she sings about looking for answers and her purpose in life. aren't we all? of course, we want to switch over to hailey bieber who is launching her own youtube channel. on it, the model and wife of justin bieber has a talk show called who's in my bathroom. he first gst being kendas they mac and cheese, cooking in the bathroom. don't ask. hailey also divulging her makeup routine in another video.
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she says she launched the video so people could see who she really is. the couple out and about overnight. hubby justin put on a show-stopping performance last night at the kids choice awards and won best male artist. awards season alert. it's usually over by now, but since everything got turned upside down, we're still in the thick of it. tomorrow, nick jonas and priyanka chopra jonas will announce this year's oscar nominations right here live on "gma." the golden statues will be handed out april 25th. that's the latest the awards ceremony has been held since it was televised back in1953. of course, abc is the home of the academy awards, and we have a special announcement. are you ready for this? you heard it here first, abc is launching its first ever academy awards podcast. it's called "inside the oscars," and it debuts march 25th. ginger zee is the host, and it'll feature abc entertainment experts chris connelly, and jason nathanson, along with our very own "pop news" correspondent janai norman and yours truly.
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we're going to be telling you everything you ever wanted to though about the oscars and everything you didn't even know you needed to know. the trailer drops today. check it out and subscribe on apple podcast, spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. >> thank you, kelley. great job. don't forget it's pi day, and george is coming up with "this week." >> 3.14. day, and jorgeorge is coming up with "this week." >> 3.14. building a better bay area for a safe and secure future, this is abc7 news. >> goodmorning, everyonmorning,n the start of baseball season is just 2 1/2 weeks away and tomorrow, the san francisco giants will contact season- ticket holders about games for april. the chronicle reports season- ticket holders will be able to
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choose between four-game packages are a single-game ticket. the a's are already selling single-game ckose vouchers can buy single-game tickets starting this thursday. new state guidelines allow fans for up to 20% capacity at oracle park and the oakland coliseum. happening today, the worriers are launching women's empowerment month for this afternoon's game at shea center against the jazz. the team is inviting bay area women who own small businesses to attend the game via the w. the warriors also delivered more than 1000 hot meals from oakland restaurant to the east oakland community project oakland elizabeth house and operation dignity as part of the home-court assist platform. the campaign aims to empower girls and women through amplifying their voices. let's get a check of the weather now with meteorologist frances dinglasan. good morning everybodmornind
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it is going to hit the northbay first, right now we are under quite a bit of cloud cover, damages are mild in the 40s 50s, san francisco currently 50, 48, so this afternoon, the rain will hit the northbay first and then it will slide through the rest of the bay area during the evening hours. we will get about a quarter inch of rain. the system is very cold so on monday with the scattered showers, thunderstorms and hail are possible, but looking dry although cold on tuesday. >> figure. and thank you to yo like, seeing my mom. it's unthinkable to me that i can't see her and i can't hug her. not being able to hug is just like somebody has to tie me down. touching someone to say i love you, to hug you... those are the things that i miss.
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♪ ♪ don't miss out on the grand opening of floor and decor in pleasant hill! ♪ our expansive store is fully equipped with safe distancing guides, so you can browse our wide aisles and be amazed with our even wider selection. or easily order online, and pick up all the products you need for your flooring project curbside! so come discover the perfect floor at the perfect price in whatever way is perfect for you. explore floor and decor's newest east bay area location march 18th, or shop our milpitas, burlingame or san leandro stores, now open.
8:00 am
>> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. pandemic milestone. >> over a year ago, no one could have imagined what we were about to go through. now we're coming through it. >> one year into the covid crisis, recovery in sight. >>. >> all adult americans will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than they want. july 4th with your loved ones is the goal. >> the president's record aid package clears congress with no republican votes. >> this is a momentous day in the history of our country. >> it includes provions that are not targeted, they're not temporary, they're not related to covid. >> hope is on the horizon. help is on the way. >> this is


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